The Perfect Hand


My flesh weak as a starving child

My bones brittle

My will shattered

I lie in a prison cell of bondage

lies, lust, debauchery, idolatry

in agonizing distress, for I do not receive the luxury of death

an eternal life of undeniable torture

No love only hate

My heart trapped in a wet concrete

a second of pleasure for an eternity of cold lonely torture


Barely able to breathe and begging for death

I see through my blurry vision Something Beautiful

Surrounded by the flames of hell I see a hand like no other

A Perfect Hand of Love

Coming out from the scorching ceiling of fiery hell It points at me

The chains snap into a million pieces and I am lifted into the Heavens

I am lifted into Eternal Love

The Eternal Love Himself lifted me up

And declared a message to me and a billion others

“Today, my Children, your debts have been paid in full

You may now live in perfect Paradise with Me”

And that was that

One perfect Man remembered me

He defeated all bondage and replaced it with Love

He himself is Love

God is Love

How Great is the faithfulness of God?

How Great is the faithfulness of God?

My God can move the mountains

My God has defeated death

Even when there was no way

My God did

For you have never failed me

Although I have failed You, my God


My God can move the mountains

And He speaks to me

Even when I don’t want to listen

For Great is your faithfulness, my God.


Save me from my wavering, Lord

For I am nothing without You


Draw near to God,

And He will draw near to you

For there is freedom in my God


The Lord is my portion for my soul

I will submit to him all my years

He is not a God of temptation, rather

He is a Deliverer of evil


My God has never failed me


I will take up my cross,

For I will trust in You, God

And I will have joy throughout my trials,

For Jesus has won the battle

Tetelesti (It is finished)


God is Good, I will declare it in my life

God is Good

God is Good

God is Good

God is abounding in Goodness

Stop Wanting What You Don’t Want

Love on a superficial level is not love. It’s attraction, infatuation, and lust; yet, for some strange reason, it is our nature to desire and attain a superficial “love” that we think will make us feel whole.

As a man, I go to the gym and wish I had that guy’s biceps and abs, and “Oh my gosh” I think to myself, “If I can get a body like that, I’ll be able to get a beautiful woman like that”

So I lift, and I diet and every time I pass a mirror, I can’t help but look into it and tell myself that I’m getting closer to accomplishing the goal that is going to set me up to get the hot one.

I train hard and tell myself that I do it because I’m trying to better myself because I want to be the best and I must find a way to attain that goal. Yeah right, I train so that I can try to meet the expectations that I feel will impress my coach, the girls, and yes, even my parents. I train so that I won’t be called a fat failure. It doesn’t stop there, to me if I train hard enough, then people will put me on a pedestal of a Greek god and fan me with palm tree leaves and worship the greatness that I am because I was able to go to a gym and perfect my body.

I want every person I walk by on the street to like me and I want to be a part of all the gangs that the cool kids put together. I want to be loved by them and all their attractive lady friends.

Isn’t that what we all want? I mean, we’ve heard it a billion times, we all want to fit in. And I could go on a tangent about so many things that people do to make themselves think and appear as if they are truly loved. But here is the truth, they’re not. People like them, they think they’re attractive and chill. But they are not loved. The whole world is not going to come running and volunteering to die for them.

Where does that superficial love really get anyone either? Not very far, maybe to Hollywood, but who the hell wants to live in Hollywood with the whackadoos. Let me cut straight to the point, instead of spending all our time trying to gain the superficial love that we think will complete our lives, maybe we should pursue a deep love, a genuine love. And maybe that desire for a deep love should play into all our decisions. Maybe, if we did that, we would spend time with each other in real fellowship, or go out and serve someone and show them the genuine love that we don’t see anymore.

I promise, love people right, and they will love you back. It will be real, and you’ll have people who you can trust and be happy with. Who needs all the material love anyway? it’s just rubbish and dies off.

Genuine, deep love. Yes, that’s what is important. Try it.

“The incomplete joys of this world will never satisfy the human heart” -Alexis de Tocqueville

Bearing Burdens

I am a writer. I don’t write because I love writing. I write because I have something to say about life–about what it means to be human. The long sleepless nights, the burning pain deep in your heart, the little stresses that put a two ton burden on your shoulders. Suffering: It’s what makes us human.

I’ve suffered, I’ve watched my dad suffer every day for five years, I’ve watched my best friends suffer, I’ve watched people I dislike suffer. We live in a society where there are so many things that separate us. Race, social status, and wealth. But there’s one thing that levels the playing field for all of humanity: We all suffer and we all make mistakes which lead to more suffering.

Think about that one person in your life who appears like they have it so easy. No financial burden, no family problems, they’re healthy, intelligent, and seem like they have it all figured out. That person has suffered–I guarantee it. At one point in their life they’ve laid in bed with no hope, no idea of how they are even going to survive the next thirty-seconds, let alone the next day.

Suffering is what unites us in our humanity and it gives us compassion. We’ve all suffered, and we all have felt like we’re isolated on an island with no chance of a rescue any time soon. Since we’ve all suffered, we can all sympathize and relate. We can show compassion and be that life boat for the person on that island. Suffering makes our relationships stronger and our thankfulness more thankful. Maybe, just maybe, we should thank God for our suffering, and while we are at it, thank him for the breath of fresh air surging through our bodies.

One of my favorite teachers I ever had, as well as one of the wisest men I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing, once told me a quote that went something along these lines:

“The biggest sign of maturity is when a man can carry the burdens of his society” -unknown

I’m not yet sure how strong I really am, I’m not sure I really want to find out. But the best writers ever: Dostoevsky, Twain, Orwell, Steinbeck. They all understand what it is truly like to be human. They put themselves in others shoes and sympathize. Their compassion is superlative. So I’ll be here–writing about what it means to be a human. What it means to suffer, what it means to love. I will try to bear the burdens of my society in hope that others will join in with me.

Come at me burdens. My hands are taped, the gloves are on. Please ring the bell.


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